The astral world was destroyed in late 2014. Few people see it because their senses are astralized, i.e., they are stifled by their mental, emotional and behavioral memories. In addition, most people confuse the astral world with the Creation World. The former keeps the individual under its yoke. We must not forget that it was generated by man's polarity (imbalance between his inner masculine and feminine when he tasted power during his Fall). In no case, the entities of the very high astral could take the human being out of his life programming. On the contrary, they kept him there. They could eventually lighten his karma if he could communicate with them. The love of these entities was therefore polarised, i.e. marked by domination. We have partially entered the Age of Aquarius, which is the age where human beings must leave all domination, including that of the invisible planes, by reconnecting to their real Selves.
The astral world, which hosted souls after death, has been replaced by zones of life governed by conscious forces coming from the World of Creation. These help souls to free themselves from their memory patterns. Thus, they can evolve much more easily before reincarnating on Earth... (Cf. "The destruction of the astral - Birth of the real Self").
Animal suffering