My focus has always been on people. From a very young age, I tried to understand what was going on in the minds and emotions of the people I met. It wasn't difficult for me because I could feel it without identifying with them. I could see that people were locked into shackles that I didn't yet understand. Music was a way for me to overcome all the suffocating and negative energies I perceived. I played the accordion and then the piano and each time I found my pure joy: to go beyond the chaos and find harmony, that was my quest. Later, I would strum the guitar, play the drums to keep my own rhythm and the cello to better vibrate my Identity.
At the age of 12, I was very surprised to be so young and I thought to myself that I felt 18. I felt that human relationships were too superficial, that people were playing a role and that the essential could not be exchanged. At the age of 14, I promised myself that I would succeed in creating sincere and real human relationships. But I was going against the majority, the anti-life energies that want the human being to be a puppet through the energies of power and submission... I learned, after many disillusions, that I had to get rid of my naivety for good. I decided to see the dark side of people as well as the good side of their soul, in order to be able to draw out my strength and not let myself be trapped anymore. I no longer fell into the polarity that tarnishes, destroys the relationship or makes us fall apart.
I undertook research in psychomotricity, energetics, and psychology studies. After my master's degree, I decided to open my own practice a few years later. I realized during my consultations that I was able to clean the karma of people. I found the cause of the problem in my knowledge, I removed the energies that had triggered it (in their childhood, their genealogy and their past lives) and the effect disappeared (inner, relational or physical problem). I had overcome the polarity in me, the supremacy of the masculine over the feminine and vice versa. My own knowledge opened up because my emotions were free of all judgments related to this polarity and I was free of the mental, emotional and behavioral energies of my ancestors, of the collective and of my past lives.
I tried to never lose sight of the primordial beauty of the vibration that created the world. I deeply understood that Man had turned away from his reality. While listening to the conferences of Bernard of Montreal, (the first one to have lived the fusion with his etheric Double), I became aware of the existence of the real Self, this etheric Double which is the cosmic part of the human being. I realized that the spirituality that had supposedly supported me had, on the contrary, reinforced the disengagement from my real Identity. The more I "worked" with my etheric Double, the more I became myself and felt more embodied as I regained my connection to the pure part of the Earth.
In 2018, I published my first three books "The Destruction of the Astral-The Birth of the Real Self", "The Source of Life" volume 1, "The Song of Life" volume 2 after founding with my husband my publishing house: the Editions of Integral Being. In 2019, "Le Souffle de l'Homme nouveau" was published.
The time of spirituality being over, it was necessary to inform people of the new reality since the destruction of the astral at the end of 2014. But they are not ready to let go of their beliefs easily...Moreover, they do not see it because the senses must be "desastralized" i.e. cleansed of mental, emotional and behavioral memories to start discerning the illusion of reality.
We became lecturers to share these discoveries and to make people aware that it is time to get out of the "family self" (which does not mean denying one's family, on the contrary), in order to free oneself from the karmic influence of past lives and to no longer reproduce the mental, emotional and behavioral memories of the ancestors and the collective unconscious. As long as humans are under this authority, they cannot be themselves and free. Accessing his real Self will lead him to an inner and societal change...