Cécilia Caverzan

Death out of karma for loved ones

More and more non-karmic deaths are occurring on Earth as a result of the destructive energies that have been amplified.
How can we overcome the suffering caused by the non-karmic deaths of our loved ones?
Acceptance is the sine qua non. It's necessary to assimilate the fact that the person or animal is continuing its evolution on another plane. The loss will be compensated by an energy similar to that which the living being brought, increased tenfold, if the "inner ground" allows it, i.e. if the people who remain manage to feed on the real Love, Intelligence and Will of their cosmic Double. When too many oppositions to Life take over, these people will have to wait until peace settles within them and they can manifest the energy of Life in their emotions. If they fail to do so, their soul's vibratory rate will rise when they cross over to the other side.
In the case of departed beings, their evolution is accelerated according to their vibratory rate at the time of death.
On the subject of karmic death, please refer to chapter 3 of my book Le Souffle de l'Homme nouveau.

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