Extract from the course: unconscious feminine and masculine

The death of a human being can occur on several levels: at the level of his mind, his emotions and/or his physical body. From the moment he loses his capacity to be autonomous, he is no longer alive.
He must come out of the collective unconscious to have the right vision of himself and of others.
The human being who is not able to think by himself from his own Knowledge, is not free.
It is necessary to succeed in expressing harmonics in spite of the unconscious male. It is a question of not letting oneself be cut off... of not letting oneself be eliminated.
Today, it is fundamental that every woman and every man governed by the unconscious feminine, liberates their real power from their real Identity.
This Will must not fight the unconscious masculine, but must be independent so as not to attract its opposite and further inflame its hatred.
Pure Will is filled with real Love and Intelligence.
The full manifestation of her identity vibration will be possible when the woman has no doubt about her power and can embody it definitively. This incarnation will depend on her capacity to be in the moment so as not to set in motion the old patterns of submission of the past.
The fear of not succeeding would revive the patterns of devaluation and impossibility of success.
To definitively leave the unconscious feminine implies to be active all the time in the new energy implanted and to never again assimilate to one's old identity impregnated with the yoke of the authority of the unconscious masculine.

The unconscious masculine and feminine come from the loss of the real Identity. The only way out is to really be oneself...

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