Cécilia Caverzan

My articles - Page 3

Real vision and balance

05 Jan 2021

Chance does not exist. An event materializes because one or more energies have impelled it. The real vision of the energies can only be opened if the real Self of the individual is put into action.


08 Dec 2020

Real well-being is the consequence of a balance between "receiving" and "giving".
The generosity of an individual governed by his unconscious is very often a compensation of a lack of love.

The destruction of the astral world

30 Nov 2020

The astral world was destroyed in late 2014. Few people see it because their senses are astralized, that is, they are choked by their mental, emotional and behavioral memories...

Animal suffering

24 Nov 2020

Animals are all equal before suffering. Why be particularly sensitive to that of dogs or cats and be complicit in the slaughter of calves, cows, lambs, mice, etc.?

The harmonics

19 Nov 2020

A thought, an intention, an emotion, an act, generate their repercussions. In most individuals, these are unfortunately only a reproduction of past waves, therefore dead...

The Real Consciousness

14 Nov 2020

Human beings need a new consciousness. For thousands of years, their consciousness has been governed by their unconscious (the sum of mental, emotional and behavioral memories), which is trans...

Displaying 25-30 of 30 items

Latest articles

My presentation

14 Nov 2020

My focus has always been on people. From a very young age, I tried to understand what was going on in the minds and emotions of the people I met. It wasn't difficult for me because I could feel it without identifying with them...
