I have been giving consultations for over 20 years. I studied psychology to understand the human being but my discovery went far beyond my studies. I discovered during my first consultations that I was able to free people from their mental, emotional and behavioral blockages, the causes of their problems. Each individual is connected to the memories of his genealogy, his past lives, the collective unconscious and everything that is inscribed in him during his life. He therefore keeps on reproducing his sufferings from the past. A person can be emotionally blocked at such and such an age after a shock, another has still not resolved a problem from a previous life, another will repeat a behavior of his grandmother or his great-grandfather... From my "knowledge", I find the causes of the difficulties and I erase the energies of these causes anchored in the mind, the emotion and/or the body. The person lets go of his past, finds his potential by returning to the real present free of memories. Thus the inner or physical pain is released...
My office is located about 50 kms south of Toulouse.
To make an appointment: c.r.caverzan@consultationsevolutionnaires.com