Cécilia Caverzan

The energy structure of the planet and time

Our planet no longer has an autonomous energetic structure. It is connected to that of its inhabitants. At the beginning of humanity, it had a vibratory structure. It vibrated with Love, Intelligence and the pure Will of the World of Creation. It communicated with the human being on the same wavelength and frequency because time was not horizontal. It did not follow the energy of events caused by a mind and emotions imbued with memories, but was driven by the link between the World of Creation and the human being. Its energy was therefore not linear, but was renewed vertically at one point and changed at the speed of light.
When the individual allowed himself to be fed by the energy of events rather than his own vibration, by tasting power, he broke the vibratory structure of the planet which was also fed by the energies of events. Its energy could not therefore renew itself directly with the World of Creation.
In this Age of Aquarius into which we have entered, the human being must regain his real autonomy by leaving behind the law of cause and effect: the unconscious energy of thoughts, words, emotions and actions leads to similar energies in return. It is necessary that he becomes the creator of the real Life which is animated by the pure vibration of the moment... And if he evolves further, he will be able to free himself totally from the energy of time.
I give the keys in my books "The Destruction of the astral - Birth of the Real Self" and "Le Souffle de l'Homme nouveau".

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14 Nov 2020

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